HealthAI hackathon
The main goals of the first HealthAI hackathon @ Stanford are:
- identify and solve real problems in medicine,
- facilitate team formation across the campus,
- introduce data science/AI to medical community,
- promote problem-based data engineering!
We encourage problems and solutions in the following tracks:
- Dermatology (supported by Advancing Innovation in Dermatology foundation)
- Ophthalmology
- Radiology
Our hackathon is supported by
and by Advancing Innovation in Dermatology, David M.C. Ju Foundation, Google Cloud Platform, Hacking Dermatology, LEO Pharma, LEO Innovation Lab, StartX Med.
Summary of the event
Keynote speakers
Jonathan H. Chen, MD, PhD Assistant Professor of Medicine (Biomedical Informatics) at the Stanford University Medical Center
Day 1
8:00 AM
Registration, light breakfast
9:00 AM
Welcome + intro
Łukasz & Olga -
9:15 AM
Keynote 1
Maithra Raghu Cornell University & Google Brain
9:45 AM
Pitch your problem -
10:30 AM
Meet the MC
Ben Busby Data Scientist at National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
10:45 AM
Meet mentors
11:30 AM
Team formation
Find your team -
12:00 PM
Lunch & Keynote 2
Justin Ko, MD, MBA Clinical Associate Professor at Stanford, Dermatology
5:30 PM
checkpoint with teams
Day 2
8:00 AM
Day 2 hacking starts
Hack the solution -
9:00 AM
Meet the mentors
Hack the solution -
11:00 PM
1:00 PM
Team submissions
2:00 PM
Preliminary pitches
3:30 PM
Keynote 3
Jonathan H. Chen, MD, PhD Assistant Professor of Medicine (Biomedical Informatics) at the Stanford University Medical Center
4:00 PM
Final pitches
Present in front of the judges -
5:00 PM
Lightning talks from startups
5:30 PM
Prize ceremony and dinner
7:00 PM
Afterparty in Palo Alto

Ben Kotopka BrainKey

Daniel Ramirez LEO Innovation lab

David Hanzel Naked Biome

Eugene Tonev HealthTap

Eleni Linos UCSF

Eon Rios Stanford Dermatology

Enhao Gong Subtle Medical

Geoff Tso Curai / Stanford PCPH

Greg Zaharchuk Subtle Medical / Stanford

Herb Riband Stanford DCI Fellow

Josh Reicher Stanford Radiology

Kavita Sarin Stanford Dermatology

Kelly Stanton Potrero Medical

Kenny Fan Angel Investor

Lauren Shluzas Bio1 Systems / Stanford

Lukasz Kidzinski Stanford Bioengineering

Nicholas Rance MatchLab AI

Nina Vasan Stanford Psychiatry

Olga Afanasiev Stanford Dermatology

Owen Phillips BrainKey

Ronjon Nag Stanford Distinguished Careers Institute

Saurabh Gombar Stanford Pathology

Shahram Seyedin-Noor Civilization Ventures

Sunny Kumar GSR Ventures

William Ju Advancing Innovation in Dermatology

Xiaoxu Kang KangarooHealth

Zach Harned Stanford AI & Law Society
Where is Huang Center?
This event will be held in Huang Center (location above), in the room Mackenzie Boardroom (3rd floor).There is a large parking structure nearby (4 minutes walking):
Other events
If you are interested in pitching a problem / dataset / algorithm at one of the upcoming events, please fill in this short form.Organizers
Łukasz Kidziński, Ph.D. Bioengineering postdoc
Olga Afanasiev, MD, Ph.D Dermatology resident
Joshua Tanner MD Candidate
Eric William Loreaux MS student bioengineering

Roxana Daneshjou, Ph.D. Dermatology resident

Milad Mohammadi, Ph.D. Data scientist

Mika Tabata MD Candidate

Varun Vasudevan Ph.D. student

Masoud Badiei, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Hongyi Ren Research Data Analyst